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I have been bullet journaling since 2016 and keeping notebooks/journals/diaries since I was ittybitty. My 2016 bullet journal was a horrible, neglected, mess BUT it really put a lot of things on track for me, so when the bujo started trending I decided to really dedicate myself to using one - and I'm so glad I did! It's been so fantastic at tracking my health, my habits, my money and my hectic life. Since this bujo is still pretty messy, I'm going to hold off on showing my main collections with everyone for the time being and simply start with how I manage my bujo on the monthly. I have the same sort of system each month. You can watch the video above and follow along with me or look below to see exactly what pages I put in my bujo each month.

In order of occurrence:

I like to start each month off a little creatively. So the easiest way I find to incorporate that into my bullet journal was through collages/mood boards. It took some trial and error before I found a method I was comfortable with (aka a glue stick). I'm likely going to start incorporating different mediums, like paints or stickers or something, but it's only month 4 so I don't wanna get too crazy. However, I like having these pages because it makes finding my chapters easier.

I've been sticking with a decorated circle theme. I think next year I'm going to get more creative with these pages, but for the time being it's a good way for me to practice drawing. Obviously you can get creative as you want with this page or simply fit it in on your calendar page too. I just like to have that dividing page present. 

I like being able to cross off the days of the calendar and have a quick reference to what days falls on what day of the week. You know? So this is is just that. My basic calendar for the month. I also like having a monthly affirmation. This is something I've been doing since high school but it's nice to have it written out as a constant refresher. 

Exactly what you think it is. I love the month at a glance page, makes planning and important dates stand out, so I never miss a meeting, event or bill due-date. It really literally just takes a glance and it puts the whole month into perspective.

I like to leave myself little notes regarding how my month goes. Little lessons I've learned throughout the month. It could also be a place where I jot down things I'm grateful for or accomplishments I made that month. I like being able to look back and see my progress. It's a good way for me to see that I'm developing and my hardwork is paying off. 

I've so far done a Valentine's page and a Birthday Page Set-up for my boyfriend's birthday. For these two it was basically to keep track of purchases and planning leading up towards the dates. Not sure what I'll be doing this month. I've been leaning towards a "Plant's Wanted" list because I've so far just been keeping a list on my fridge and Wunderlist. So we'll see. 

I really like the daily habit tracker. It reminds me of a bunch of the little things I need to get done. Keeping track of them makes it really easy for me to recognize what needs to be done and when. Since time is money and I have very little free time, it's important for me to be able to track my lifestyle habits and chores. 

Your basic run of the mill weekly pages. I find I don't need a lot of space on these pages, maybe 2-3 lines per date. I try to keep these pages as basic as possible. This is the weekly planner of my own taste. 

What are your favourite monthly pages in your bujo? Any of them you think I should try out? Let me know on youtube or in the comments below! 


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Happy Spring! It's a time of new growth and fresh beginnings. If someone forced me to choose a favourite season it would likely be spring. All the snow melts, trees are budding, sun starts shining, it really rakes a lot of the darkness of the winter away!  I also really love spring because my birthday, my boyfriend's birthday and majority of my family really. So spring is full of lots of love and celebrations, and who doesn't like that? 

Typically during the spring I find I'm drawn to pinks and purples, but this year I find myself leaning towards blues and yellows. It feels very fresh and clean. Blue to remind me of the water, (#stayhydrated) and the yellow to remind me of the sunshine, mix that in with all the green and this season aesthetic speaks volumes to me! .

CRYSTAL:  Celestite (Celestine) meant to bring peace and harmony as well as reduce stress and obsessive behaviours. I chose this stone because 1) it matches and 2) I just ordered a clustered one and I'm really looking forward to having it to help with slowing down my obsessive over-thinking.

Simple DIY Tabletop Terrarium

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I love terrariums. They're works of eco-art! People ask me all the time how to make these so I figured I'd make a video/blog post and explain it to you. It's much easier than people typically expect and it's really low-maintenance. You can definitely order some in store, online or from custom terrarium makers like TeenyTinyTerra, but I find there is a lot of joy in making your own!


-I suggest something with a larger brim opening, so that the planing process is easier
- Try searching through thrift stores and get creative with your container, try coffee pots, vases, mason jars, etc.
- Make sure to watch your container in hot water without soap first

- Think pebbles, gravel, aquarium gravel, etc.
- Make sure to wash in hot water and let dry before using
- Avoid shells and limestone or other things that may change the PH balance

- This removes odors and toxins from the soil. It collects the toxins fro the soil and water to prevent damage to the plants.
- If you can't find activated charcoal you can go without, however, you should water your terrarium in distilled water to avoid adding water treatment chemicals to your terrarium.
- It also helps with drainage and prevents things like root rot.
- Fun fact: Activated charcoal is also one of the main types of filters for aquariums, if you have a hard time finding it, check your local pet/aquarium store.

- Make sure the soil you purchase is for that of your specific plant types.

- Make sure all your plants are of the same type (ie. they share watering habits, light requirements, fertilizing seasons, etc)
- Try only to get a small amount, your terrarium will grow (quicker than you think) and you don't want it to get over crowded.

- Cute figurines to liven up your tiny jungle.
- Moss, crystals, stones, driftwood, etc.
- Try to avoid metals if you can help it. They can oxidize and that can effect the tiny eco system. Opt for wood, ceramic or plastic instead.

- Sheet moss - extra drainage
- Sand - extra drainage
- Fiberglass screen - extra drainage
- Funnel - to evenly pour the soil with less mess
- Chopsticks/Tongs/Fork - to move, place and plant.


Begin by putting about 1-2 inches or so of small stones at the base of the terrarium. Basically you want to cover the entire bottom of the container but you also want it to be high enough so it can hold stagnant water if need be. (aka, proper drainage in case you over-water).

Cover the rocks with a layer of activated charcoal. Optional: If you are using sand, fiberglass screen or sheet moss this would be the next step after the charcoal. It prevents soil from falling into the pebbles as well as it adds an extra layer of drainage.

Add your soil. Make small divots in the soil for each of your plants, deep enough to fit the roots of the plant. Your soil layer is doing to be your thickest layer and should be about 3x the height of the stones.

Remove your plants from their containers and remove the excess soil from the roots. Begin to place your plants in the terrarium (I find it's easier if you start with the largest plant and end with the smallest). Lightly pack the roots with soil. Again, be sure not to over-plant! Your terrarium will grow, so use this extra space to add your accessories.

Add fun figurines and accessories! Make sure they are also washed in hot water and are made of plant safe materials. Which is basically anything that cannot change the PH balance, like metal. Opt for wood, bone, stone, ceramic, or plastic.

- Water about 1-2 times a week. Try to water the plants directly at their roots to avoid damaging the mosses. This all changes depending on your plant types. So do your research!!
- Prune dead foliage and overgrown spaces when needed to prevent rotting.
- Keep in natural indirect light (again, changes depending on your plants).
- Mist your terrarium when needed

Any questions feel free to ask. Have you made a terrarium before? Comment below!

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