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Every year I make a Resolution -  typically it's geared towards a serious lifestyle change. Additionally, I also make Goals, these can be concrete and more basic things. I like to add to this list all throughout the year. The reason I set smaller goals is because it gives me a better sense of accomplishment and I can keep track and notice the changes more without becoming discouraged.

I think it's very important to note the differences between the words Resolution and Goal - because they are two different things. In my opinion, if you want them to be effective, you need to treat them as two different things.


Essentially, a resolution is a commitment you are making for yourself -it's how you intend to live your life going forward. For example: Living a healthy and active lifestyle, could be your resolution.

Your goals, are things you can achieve - your objectives. For example: if your resolution was to live a healthy and active lifestyle - then your goals could be things like: Lose weight, join a gym, etc.

Now that you have an idea of the differences, below are my goals and resolution and you can decide for yourself what your goals and resolution may be.

I like to start with 10 goals, then go with the flow as I add to it.

My Goals:
- Drink more water
- Make Weekly Affirmations
- Meal prep like a pro
- Buy a nice vacuum
- Stick to the YouTube game plan
- 10K on Instagram
- Stay dedicated to your Bullet Journal
- Go to more social events
- Add more editorial work to Portfolio
- Plan and save for a trip in 2018/9

These goals honestly remind me more of a to-do list, which I believe is why if you set your Resolution to something that is more of a lifestyle change rather than a check-off you'll be more likely to stick to it. In my experience, goals like the ones above are harder to stay dedicated to when you prioritize them over your lifestyle. Your goals should be things that will help you with your resolution when they can as well.

My resolution this year is one I'm really excited about. I've already been actively doing this since November, but I really want to make it a priority for me going forward in life.

My Resolution:

Live more consciously.

To me this means, paying attention to how I react and respond to the world, how I consume, where the things I get come from, being more conscious of my relationships, etc. I think by trying to live more consciously, it'll open up my viewpoints and allow for more serenity and clarity - which I could definitely use more of.

Comment below and let me know what your new years resolution is, or if you're going to give this a try!

As always,

Stay hydrated! 

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